Footbalance Inserts


Footbalance Inserts


Your feet are the foundation for your entire body. When this foundation is misaligned or functioning poorly, the effects can be felt throughout the body. Over 75% of the population suffers from overpronation or excessive supination, yet most of us are unaware of our own foot type and how it affects our bodies. Our technology and experience gives us the ability to diagnose issues and custom craft a product in just minutes that will address comfort, power, and efficiency issues, allowing for a more relaxed and powerful foot that improves structural alignment in any shoe, across any sport, and meets the demands of any lifestyle.

  • Most cycling and running shoes come with inexpensive and flimsy insoles that give little if any foot support

  • Most over-the-counter insoles don't take into account that your feet are different from each other. Does it make sense to trust your foot comfort to symmetrical insoles when your feet are asymmetrical? We solve that issue because each foot is customized separately.

  • We urge you to try our insole solution before installing popular wedges and shims into your shoes. The foundation of support is the foot itself and not a wedge or shim that changes the biomechanics of the foot/leg/hip/back chain.

We invite you to book your 20-minute appointment and see why any one with two feet and thirty minutes benefits from a pair of FootBalance custom footbeds. It’s time to save your soles!

Appointment includes:

  • Individual arch analysis

  • Foot-type assessment

  • Heated custom molding

  • Ready in 15-20 minutes

Inserts can be made for cycling, running, skiing, tennis, fitness, golf, hiking, and any of your regular shoes. For your appointment, please bring the shoes that are being fitted and socks that match the activity.

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